Pancakes and Peacocks | Episode 45 | How to be more human when hiring with Katrina Collier

Episode #45

Katrina Collier is an effervescent human being who is a human in every sense, and that shines through in the work she does. She wrote  The Robot-Proof Recruiter, and runs workshops and gives talks on how we might humanise the hiring process. 

Together we explore a little of that and a lot of how we construct environments that feel a little more human. 

Let her warm the cockles of your soul as you hear us speak about: 

🥞 Trust being at the heart of what it means to create work communities thrive
🦚 Relationships being at the heart of what I means to work together effectively, and how we use design thinking to get there
🥞 The magic of ideas when they come from the whole work community or team 
🦚 Trying things, failing fast and move on

I came away full of joy, thinking about how I might create more space to play and I hope you will too.

Ps. For those who want a little explanation to design thinking, take a look here.