Pancakes and Peacocks | Episode 40 | Jeff Lester
Jeff Lester is a brilliant human living a life less ordinary. For the past six years he hasn’t spent time in one place for more than two months at a time. He also teaches yoga, and supports humans with courses that help them uncover the parts of themselves that have long since been forgotten.
We met over the airwaves, with him currently in Atlanta, Georgia and me in London:
🥞 The simplicity of creating an online community that can be sustained with something as a simple emoji
🦚 How physical movement can be a great foundation for really bringing us back into our bodies
🥞 How we overachieve to be admired by others, on the path to realising that we truly are enough just as we are
🦚 Grandiosity and judgement being the close cousin of low self esteem
And of course... joy ✨