Pancakes and Peacocks | Episode 32 | Melissa Coton

Episode #32

Melissa Coton is one of those magical humans whose energy dances, even when she is stationary. We met when we were both new yoga teachers, and she took the bold step a couple of years ago to leave her corporate job behind and see where her heart took her. 

We met over the airwaves, with her in Guatemala, where she’s just decided to move to from Panama, and me in London: 

🥞 Being open to the quiet inspiration that others provide us 
🦚 Approaching change with a safety net, taking baby steps to change the little things to change the big things
🥞 Of learning to love yourself in all moments, and learning to be comfortable with being right where you are
🦚 Yoga at its essence being about union; union with ourselves to support our connection, and therefore union, with others

And of course... joy ✨

Ps. If you want to join our WhatsApp meditation group btw just holler, all welcome!