The self esteem glow up

Discover how my ‘Casefile of Excellence’ exercise shortcuts your way to improved confidence and self-esteem in just 20 minutes 

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Hosted by Ruth Penfold, founder of Bloom and former leader at Shazam, Onfido, and bp Launchpad

Ready to shatter through your self-doubt and learn how to step into a more confident version of yourself at work?


Then just enter your name and email address below to register now. I can’t wait to meet you.


Your host: Ruth Penfold


I’m the founder of Bloom and a former leader at Shazam, Onfido, and bp Launchpad. For years, I struggled with feeling like an imposter, battling burnout, and the pressure to conform to the masculine environment around me.

Then, after 15 years of pretending to be someone I wasn’t, I found the tools to embrace my authenticity and lead with confidence.

Now, it’s my mission to help other women grow their confidence and achieve their career dreams by stepping into their authentic selves.


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Meet some of the women in Bloom

“I learned how to be courageous in everything I do, including asking for what I want”

As someone whose greatest limitations are confidence and self-belief, Bloom helped me take huge strides forward with both. By understanding better who I am at my core and what I want, I learned how to set boundaries, become more comfortable with making mistakes, speak up, tackle perfectionism, manage difficult stakeholders and be courageous in everything I do, including asking for what I want.

Natasha, People Director

"Now I really see the value that I bring and feel proud of my achievements"

What I love about Bloom is that there are women at different levels in their careers who are having similar challenges and struggles as you. This makes you feel less lonely and helps to validate your feelings and experiences. But, this also means you get insights on things you are facing from different perspectives, and that is so powerful. The biggest thing I have gained from Bloom is my self-esteem, the Casefile of Excellence was life-changing for me, now I really see the value that I bring and feel proud of my achievements.

Krutika, People Operations Manager